      Brackets are posted, see "schedules" and then link to brackets.  Team names will be filled in after "Blind Draw" Saturday morning.  See details below

      Have A Great Weekend

      Happy Easter To All!!!

      Thank You for playing in our Easter Turbo.  We think you will enjoy this format and wishing you all the best.  This is a double elimination event with a three game guarantee.  Please follow brackets and after you loose your second game, find the Silver Brackets (for awards).  We will bring printed copies of brackets for each team for the "Blind Draw".  Please ask you parents to show up approximately five minutes after draw so you can text them field #s and times.
      12U  Will draw at 7:15am in front of the Concessions Pavilion.  First games for 12U will start at 7:50am or 8:50am
      Parker Laffrey (407-617-7190) and Juan Rivera  (407-490-6988) are the directors for this weekend.  Please report to them for Draw and let them know if you need anything while at event.  They will have umpire cards with pitching details.
      10U  Will draw at 7:30am in front of the Concessions Pavilion.  First games for 10U will start at 8:10am or 9:10am. 
      Parker Laffrey (407-617-7190) and Juan Rivera  (407-490-6988) are the directors for this weekend.  Please report to them for Draw and let them know if you need anything while at event.  They will have umpire cards with pitching details.
      7/8U Will draw at 11:40am in front of the Concessions Pavilion.  First games for 7/8U will start at 12:20pm or 1:20pm.
      Parker Laffrey (407-617-7190) and Juan Rivera  (407-490-6988) are the directors for this weekend.  Please report to them for Draw and let them know if you need anything while at event. 
      9U Will draw at 12:40pm in front of the Concessions Pavilion.  First games for 9U will start at 1:20pm or 2:20pm.
      Parker Laffrey (407-617-7190) and Juan Rivera  (407-490-6988) are the directors for this weekend.  Please report to them for Draw and let them know if you need anything while at event.  They will have umpire cards with pitching details.


      Umpires Fees

      When one umpire $20 per team at plate for umpire

      When two umpires $30 per team at plate for umpires

      (7/8 U MP is $20 per game at plate)

      Turbo Guidelines
      "Turbo Baseball Tournaments" are designed to create an accelerated event that will include all the competition and excitement of a normal weekend tournament, but to fullfill all these needs at a pace that will be accomplished in one day.
      How does it work?
      All Coaches will arrive at designated times to do a blind draw for tournament brackets
      All games have a 5 inning or 55 minute time limit.
      Clock Starts on First Pitch
      No Drop dead- no new inning after 55 minutes.
      Four Run Rule Per Inning for All Ages,  No mercy rule on game, Play til time limit.
      Pitchers are allowed 18 outs for the day.
      You can not check the other teams pitching once your game starts. 
      Umpire Cards will be available at control site
      You can only check pitching before games start
      Not During Your Games, Coaches Only
      No Forfeits,  Pitcher will be removed from mound if any infraction.
      Tournament format will be a double elimination format
      No "if necessary game" Championship Game is Championship
      One free defensive time out (visit to mound) per game - no offensive time outs
      No team meetings on the fields after the Games, Please clear Dugouts ASAP
      No Tie games, must have a winner.  Tie breaker rules in effect after regulation
      3 Game guarantee ( first teams eliminated will play a consolation game or bracket for medals)

      Call or Text: Rick 321-228-5537

      Email:  rick.usatb@yahoo.com

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