Live Stats

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US Fastpitch will keep you in touch !!
Please sign up for text messaging to get live stats sent directly to your cell phone throughout the event.
 WANT TO KNOW WHAT"S HAPPENING IN YOUR TOURNAMENT without a walk to the brackets? 
Can't get to the game but want to know how your team is doing?
We'd love to involve your team management and all of your parents in our events. This year we will be introducing text messaging to make sure that all interested parties can follow the competitive flow in near "real time".
The protection of your information and your privacy are our foremost concern in this process. The setup takes a few simple steps, those steps are designed to protect the integrity of your information. While we could certainly simplify the process further, it would fall below the standards we set to protect you. Our goal is to see that no messages are sent to your text messaging address that you haven't specifically requested.
The steps to the setup process are:
1. Log in
If you don't have a log in already, you'll be able to add yourself. Your access codes will be emailed to you immediately.
2. Provide your text messaging address
Nothing will ever be sent to the text messaging address unless you have requested it first.
3. Confirm that the address is correct 

We will send a code to your text messaging address (at your request) which you will need to enter to confirm the address.
4. Define the games you wish to track in near "real time"
We'll let you know as soon as the scores become official. 
Sign up to get game scores sent right to your phone by clicking the "SIGN UP NOW" button!

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