The Application period has ended.

In order to register for this event, your team must be sanctioned with USFA. If your team is not sanctioned yet, you can complete the registration by clicking here.
Southern In. St Patrick Weekend Bash!!!!
We welcome teams from other states for this tourney.  Rings for the winners!!!!
All money has to be in before the 2pm deadline on the 14th either by check or by Venmo. Venmo= @Mickey-Blue-1  Please put team name and tourney in the notes
Any team that enters before Jan 1 will get $50 off of Entry Fee
If you drop out after the draw you will not be refunded any of your money.
If tourney fills up early we will contact you and confirm you are coming and if all teams confirm we will do the schedule ASAP.  If that happens you will still be held to the above drop out rule.

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Applications are not being accepted at this time