
General Event Policies

  1. Teams should report to the assigned field at least 1 hr before game time.
  2. Warm-ups will be conducted in the open play areas behind each field. Do not hit or throw balls into permanent or temporary fencing. Any player warming up a pitcher must wear a mask.
  3. Pitcher will be allowed 5 warm up pitches her first inning & 3 warm up pitches thereafter. All new pitchers will be awarded the same.
  4. When the game is over, teams must leave the field immediately after shaking hands. We will be on a tight schedule and you must adhere to this rule. Please be courteous and clean up after each game.
  5. Champions will provide 2 New or "Like" new games balls per game.   If those balls leave the field and DO NOT return.  The teams are responsible for providing additinal balls.
  6. Home team/visiting team will be determined by coin toss. First team listed in bracket will occupy home team dugout.
  7. Visiting team will keep the scoreboard.
  8. No players, team coaches or parents/spectators will be allowed in areas designated “College Coaches Only”.
  9. In case of uncontrollable circumstances or interruptions due to weather, the Tournament Director reserves the right to alter the tournament format in anyway necessary to maximize the number of games played by each team.

Showcase Game Rules

  1. All exhibition games will be 1 Hour 50 Mins time limit (Finish the Batter). Games can end in a Tie.
  2. Free substitution will be permitted on defense during Showcase games.
  3. You can Roster Bat.  Please maintain the integrity of your batting lineup (special requests from college coaches to see a player are acceptable).
  4. In the event of a Hit Batter- the batter can choose to take the base or stay and hit. The hit by Pitch would then count as a ball on the batter.
  5. No lineup cards needed during showcase play.
  6. No “Run Rules” are in affect during Showcase Play.


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